To Athena
Chamber pop, melancholy, lyricism that directly reflects, that hurts. Music that dances between worlds. To Athena allows introspective and fragile gems in Swiss German to exist alongside sparkling and cinematic pop in English on one and the same stage. The greatness is often found in the small, in the details. In the lyrics that reach out into the dark, but always allow for the light. Fragility, strength and the sounds in between.
Growing up as the child of a family of violin makers, Tiffany Athena Limacher has been in contact with music from birth. A passion for stringed instruments, a childhood of 80’s synth-pop, and an awareness of relevant issues are now the amalgam from which To Athena builds her cosmos.
Einlass 19:00 // Beginn 20:00
VVK 20€ zzgl. Gebühren // AK 25€ // ermäßigte AK 20€
Ermäßigung gilt für: Studierende, Auszubildende, Schwerbehinderte (die eingetragene Begleitperson hat freien Eintritt), Rentner:innen, Helfer:innen des Freiwilligen Sozialen Jahres sowie Teilnehmer:innen des Freiwilligen Ökologischen Jahres.